Sunday, December 29, 2013


You Believe. 
Your Faith - Unshaken. 
Your Walk - An Abundance Of Blessings. 
Your Life - Fulfilled. 

And Then ...

"It Happens!" 

Suddenly, and with little or no warning, life shifts dramatically - the proverbial rug has been pulled out from beneath you. What do you do? After the initial shock? Your life - changed. What next?

Have you met people who fit both the before and after described above? People of deep committed faith - and then - "stuff happens!" I believe we have all met such folk, and perhaps, we have walked in those very shoes ourselves a time or two - maybe more.

What happens to faith when the going gets really rough? Some lose their grip entirely, and walk away from a faith in God that seemingly did not sustain them in their time of need. Perhaps on their way out the door, they may proclaim: "I can't believe in a God Who would let this happen to me!" Or some similar words.

Yet, as a fact in every life, there are seasons of great pain and struggle.

While some lose their grip and walk away, others - and to these I take off my hat, and bow - hang on to their faith in God with every fiber of their being trusting and believing in His faithfulness when there is absolutely No Evidence to support a better day coming. They refuse to give up on Him and in Him. Being completely human, they have their moments of doubts, questions and fears, but they do not cave in to those feelings. By faith and faith alone, they rise up defeating discouragement and hopelessness time and time again through the strength He provides.

These saints do certain things. To name a few:

1. They Pray
2. They Ask For Prayer
3. They Have Supportive Friends and/or Family
4. They Seek Wise Counsel From Godly Men And Women
5. They Never, Ever, Give Up On God

For all saints who are presently suffering from times such as these, take heart, be encouraged by the words of this Psalm, and consider acting on some of the suggestions above. May our Beloved Savior, Jesus Christ, whisper words to sustain you, hold you, uplift you, and encourage you as you wait upon Him for answers. Amen.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Born to You This Day ... CHRIST, THE LORD

They arose early that last day on their long trek to Bethlehem. Had they slept well exhausted from their previous day's travel? Or was their sleep fitful? Weary and tired, anxious to arrive, Mary large with birth upon her, Joseph's face etched with concern - what were they feeling? Did they speak much, or remain silent as they left for those last miles that would bring them to the comfort of an inn?

We can only imagine. Scripture gives no details. That last day had to be rough on Mary. Ankles swollen, belly straining, hard to take deep breaths. Just plain uncomfortable. Lower back pain almost beyond endurance. 

"...Oh, please, let us not tarry. I need to get to the inn. My time is at hand..."


"What? No room at the inn? No place in all of Bethlehem to receive us? My wife is about to give birth! Please, help us!"

The kindly innkeeper does what he can and in the cleanliness of fresh straw, Mary delivers to the world our Infant Savior, Jesus Christ, the Son of God. 

"Glory to God in the highest, and peace to men of good will. For unto you this day in Bethlehem is born a Savior who is Christ The Lord."

Did Mary cry out in writhing pain as so often is the way with woman giving birth? After their long  journey to Bethlehem, already way beyond tired, how much energy did she have to meet the demands of delivery? 

Yet, once her Son lay nestled in her arms, her travail was secondary to her joy. Women understand that! Mary's far deeper anguish would come on another day some 30-plus years on another road; a day when her heart would be pierced as her Son would do that very thing for which He had been born.


But for this night ...

O Holy Night! The stars are brightly shining, 
It is the night of the dear Saviour's birth. 
Long lay the world in sin and error pining. 
Till He appeared and the soul felt its worth. 
A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices, 
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn. 
Fall on your knees! Oh, hear the angel voices! 
O night divine, the night when Christ was born; 
O night, O Holy Night , O night divine! 
O night, O Holy Night , O night divine! 

Thank You, Savior Jesus, for coming to us. Thank You Infant Son of God. Thank you, Mary and Joseph for what you did to bring us Christ The Lord. 

May we fall on our knees in adoration of Jesus, the Christ, born to save us from our sin.

Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace,
good will toward men.

Thursday, December 19, 2013


"Lord, this looks like a really good thing - this School of Theology 101, but LORD, You already know I am way too busy. There's not a slot left on my calendar. I just can't do this!"

"Yes, You Can!" 

"How? I'm just too booked! My first Tuesday nights of the month are all gone! I can't attend. I live close by - within easy distance, but my time is already committed."

"You can still do this!"


There is a way! Not just for those who live far, far away. There can be other reasons why you believe you can not enroll in SOT - like other obligations within the live class time frame.

You Can Still Do This! Here's How:

Just as those who do live far, far away - DISTANCE LEARNING! While you may not live at a distance, the same application is true for you. You enroll, receive your materials, and through these materials, you have assignments, CDs, study of Scripture, and outside reading material. You simply engage the coursework independently rather than in a live class.

You and I will still connect via emails and email attachments, phone calls, and depending on where you do actually live, occasional face-to-face meetings. I am here for YOU!

One thing about Life: There is a constant making of choices for all of us. We must determine our priorities.

Is very intentionally growing in your knowledge and love of our Lord, Jesus Christ, a priority for you? If such is true, you will find a time, make a time, commit to a time to engage in this particular method of meeting your priority and your desire. 


Enroll today -

New Wine Ministries

School of Theology 101

Contact me! Respond to my blog!

"Guard My Lips, O Lord"

"Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear." (Ephesians 4:29)

I have some questions. What was your mouth like when you were living in the ways of the world? What kind of words were uttered out of your mouth? More specifically, was your language output four letter words meant only for the gutter?

While never attractive language, there is an understanding that our transformation had not yet begun. We were brand new, and necessary changing takes place over time.

What was it like for you when you first become convicted by Holy Spirit that the words of your mouth were offensive to Him? That you needed to cease and desist; that you needed to clean up your language? With God's help and with sensitized spirits, we made a decision to clean up our act in many ways. Each time we would utter something foul, we felt immediate conviction, and we further felt we were wounding the Spirit of God within us by our language.

By His grace, over time, our words became blessed and no longer did we utter gutter talk.

Yet, I ask: have you run into seasoned Christians who continue to use unwholesome expletives as though it were unimportant? It's no big deal to speak in this way? It doesn't matter?

Don't misunderstand! We may all on rare occasion still slip, as we do in many other areas. I am speaking of using "colorful language" as a way of speech in expressing oneself and finding no self-fault in doing so.

The Word of God is clear: "Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth ..."

For ALL of us who number among God's saints, whether brand new or seasoned in the faith,

"Guard our lips, O Lord."

May this be the prayer we utter for ourselves from our lips:

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in Your sight,
O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer." (Psalm 19:14)


Wednesday, December 18, 2013


I REALLY, REALLY WANT TO COME BUT … I live far, far away!

You’ve read my blog. You know The School of Theology is for you! The certainty is in your bones. You feel it in your soul.

“This is what I need! This is what I want! But, I live far, far away! I can’t possibly be there on opening night - Tuesday, February 4, 2014 in DeLand, Florida. Right now, I am ankle deep in snow; more is coming, and February doesn’t get better. I just can’t be there!”

Well, yeah, you can! Through Distance Learning

One of the beauties of this class is you can learn from a distance. The entire program can be mailed to you, as it has a program complete with syllabus, outlines of each lesson, book list, and CDs, authored and taught by Rev. Wayne Neller, which cover every single class. 

Have Bible? Paper and Pen? You will need to purchase a few outside books – not many. And you will experience what the live class experiences. As headmaster of SOT 101, you and I will communicate through emails and email attachments. We may also connect by telephone from time-to-time. I am available to you.

Whether we are near or far, we are on a mutual journey – one to more and more embrace our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. A journey that helps you develop intimacy of relationship with Jesus, separates truth from fallacy, and puts you on a path of answering your own self-questions about your own life, and beyond - in ministry.

Don’t let distance keep you away! Not Valid! You CAN be a Distance Learner. Consider it; pray about it – Respond to it!

New Wine Ministries
School of Theology 101

Register Today!

Respond to this blog


It begins early one morning. You awake with peaceful excitement as you contemplate the day ahead. A day filled with anticipation. You bask in the joy of the time you will spend and share.

Life has been busy for both of you. You haven’t seen him for a while. As you prepare to leave the house, there is no worry, no fear – only the warm glow of trust formed over time. A relationship has been formed with building blocks of mutual sharing, genuine listening marked by care, no masks, and the certainty of being “real” with one another. You can hardly wait!

And the day begins with your best friend!

When was the last time you hung out with the best Friend you will ever have - Jesus?

You embrace in the moment of your meeting. You both tingle with the excitement of this special day. Time spent with a trusted, honored Friend, in Whom there is no fear, Who genuinely listens, and with Whom there is mutual sharing. You got rid of your mask a long time ago when you opened your heart to Him, and the relationship has deepened since that moment. You pour out your life in its joys and sorrows, in its fears and concerns, in its anticipations and hopes. You ask your beloved Friend His opinion. You really want to know. You hang onto His every word. 

And He shares of Himself with you, not only in response to you, but with the substance of what is on His heart. You listen with every part of your being. He opens His heart wide. He really lets you in, and you want to understand His every word with a care that is without limits. You spend a day where time ceases to be.


Oh, yes, life is busy, and so often, we don’t have these kinds of days. We have to make them happen or else they won’t happen.

When was the last time you just hung-out with Jesus, sharing this kind of day? If not a day, an hour? A half-hour of quality time? 15 minutes?

Jesus is always there; always present – no special appointment necessary, just your desire to hang with Him. Give Him a call. He will answer. Mark your calendar. Plan to show up – no cancellations!

Try it! Spend time with the best Friend you will ever have. You will not be disappointed.


Tuesday, December 17, 2013


One important decision can change a life! Even dramatically! Perhaps when making that one decision, one has no idea of the impact until much later. Such was my experience. 

You see, I had been a Christian almost all of my life. And yet, I was floundering in prayer, in study of the Scriptures, and of utmost importance, in my relationship with my Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. I had no idea how to start the process of a deeper and more meaningful walk with my Lord. Even with my desire to grow, I knew I would never be disciplined enough to carry through. I desperately needed more. I wanted more. More than Sunday worship. More than a weekly Bible study. More! I needed H E L P ! ! !

And HELP came! I had recently become a member of a new church family. My pastor, Wayne Neller, introduced a course of study, authored by himself, for people who were just like me! People who wanted and desired more! It was an answer to the prayer of this starving soul. I made the decision to enroll - and it was a decision that radically changed my life in more ways than I could have ever known possible.

Is it possible that YOU are a Christian who feels as I felt? YOU want more. YOU desire more. YOUR heart cries out for more of your Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. You want to know more of Him, walk more closely with Him, fall more in love with Him, have real conversation with Him, be equipped to answer some of the tough questions in life others may have from a biblical perspective - without beating someone over the head with a Bible. YOU, my friend, may just want ... More!

Then this is for YOU! 

I invite you to join this class. Please contact me by responding to this blog. We will connect, and I will share the details.

Tuesday, February 4, 2013, @ 7:00 P.M.

It could change YOUR life!

Monday, December 16, 2013


IT IS THE HOPE that from the moment of our salvation, the remainder of our lives are lived out for the glory of Jesus. But, how do we glorify Jesus with our lives if we barely know Him?

To know Him and to love Him more is a goal we pursue with a passion born only through Him. He beckons us; He draws us to Himself. He wants more of us. He desires our love, our commitment, and our faithfulness.

He also gets it that we are sinners and we screw up. Fully acquainted with our joys and our sorrows, our victories and our failures. And only He holds the key to all of our solutions - He IS the Key.

About 11 years ago, or a little more, I embarked on a course of study designed to help me know and love my Savior more. It had become a burning passion within me. I wanted a closeness and an intimacy with Him, and I didn't know how to get there on my own. Jesus provided the way.

Now, years later, I have just accepted the appointment as Headmaster of New Wine Ministries School of Theology. It is this same course of study under which I began my journey as a student, and later became a graduate.

My passion today is to invite others to do the same. Is YOUR Passion for Jesus growing? Is YOUR thirst and hunger for Jesus increasing? Your desire for Jesus is growing! Are you struggling for a way to grow in this passion?

If you are anything like me, you may need help as I did.  The School of Theology offers you a way to know and love Jesus more. Let us be a help to YOU!

New Wine Ministries School of Theology

Missing Out On Heaven

Have you ever known a really good person, almost perfect, honorable in every discernible way? Oh, I get it: the Bible says there are none who are good - only God (Luke 18:19). In the purest sense of "good" only God is purely good. Yet, we have all known people who seem so very, very good. The manner in which they conduct their lives shouts of their goodness.

One of the saddest things in the world to me is when such a really "good" person fails - by choice - to accept Jesus as Savior and Lord of their lives. And they miss out on the reward of Heaven for all eternity! All of their goodness will not keep them from hell. For even the very best of good people among us is not perfect, and only perfection will enter the Gates of Heaven and escape the flames of hell.

That is why we need Jesus; our eternity depends on Jesus. Make no mistake, we will all live eternally beyond this present life. Yet where we spend eternity is of utmost importance. Will it be Heaven or hell?

If only perfection will enter Heaven, how can we do so if we are not perfect - even the very best of us? There is a rock-solid answer to this question. God, the Father, sent us His Son, Jesus - PERFECTION PERSONIFIED to gift us with His Perfection!

Confessing our sin to Jesus and asking Him to forgive our every sin is where we begin. We thank Him for His death on the Cross. In our confession, we become covered by the Blood of His Perfection, and in the Father's Eyes, we are washed clean of sin. It is a Divine Trade-Off with Sinful Mankind. We have traded our sin for His perfection. In an instant, the portals of Heaven swing open to us for all eternity. The Father sees only the Pure, Unsullied Goodness of His Son, Jesus, when He looks upon us.

This Season of Christ's Birth, if YOU have not met Jesus as both Savior and Lord of your life, why not receive a Christmas present from Him? It is the best and most important Christmas present you will ever receive. It is the Gift of Eternal Life lived for all eternity in the Kingdom of God. So much better than being attached to an iron ball that drags you into hell for all eternity. Please do consider this ever so carefully. YOUR eternity depends on it!

Amen ~

Sunday, December 8, 2013

God Supplies Even More Than We Need

In our Fellowship Family, our Senior Pastor, Wayne Neller, has given us 12 short, impacting, and powerful words:

Start Where You Are ...
Use What You Have ...
Do What You Can.

As I ponder these insightful words today, I am reminded of the story of The Miracle of the Loaves and Fish. 

On this Day of Miracle, Jesus multiplied five barley loaves and two fish to feed a crowd of 5,000. All ate their fill, and afterwards, 12 baskets of leftovers were gathered.

The disciples brought their lack to Jesus, and Jesus filled their need in abundance.

When we face unbelievable challenges in life, we give Jesus what we have - our need and our lack. Surely, we have started where we were, used what we had, and done what we could.

We find in our lack:

1. God provides for every need by showing us our inadequacies
2. God provides for every need when we place our inadequacies in His hands
3. God provides for every need in overflowing abundance

As we reach the limit of our own resources, we make a choice to trust Him instead of despairing over our lack and our inadequacies.

"Lord, what are You going to do?"


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

"You Are A Chosen People, A Royal Priesthood, A Holy Nation..."

"But you are A chosen people, A royal priesthood, A holy nation, A people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of the darkness into His wonderful light." 
(1 Peter 2:9)

God does indeed have a purpose for us who are His very own. And this verse speaks of that purpose ... so that we may declare His praises! That we may tell of what He has done for us through His Son, Jesus Christ. We are not to keep His light hidden.

Matthew 5:14-16 tells us in the very words of Jesus, Himself:

"You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven."

Jesus is the Light of the world. He lived and died and rose again to give us His Light; to rescue us from the darkness of our sin, and to make us His own. Now, with His Light within us, we are to be light to a dead and dying world. We allow His light to shine through us that others will see Him, and give Him the glory. Jesus has done a wonderful thing for us, and He wants us to share His salvation.

Have you let your light shine today?

Monday, December 2, 2013


Last night, I came across some old notes. I love to hang on to things learned...for review and to refresh. This note was on the Five Stages of Grief. For a moment, it took my breath away as I read over each stage, and I recognized myself in each of these stages over a very recent happening. Today, I am still hung up between Stage 4 and 5, still feeling somewhat depressed and not quite fully into acceptance.

The Five Stages of Grief are:

1. Denial and Isolation
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance

Grief and grieving are part of the human condition. Working with people in grief, it is good for me to remember and be acquainted with these Five Stages of Grief. It is another thing entirely to find myself there. It is a place none of us like to find ourselves, and I place myself on that list of "I don't want to be here!"

I would add another to the Stages of Grief. I would add Forgiveness. Whether it be grief from the death of a loved one, or a damaged relationship, or ... and the list goes on. It is personalized by each grieving person. Healing can not - will not - take place without forgiveness.

As Christians, we have a mandate to forgive others as we ourselves have been forgiven. Further, if we hope to be forgiven ourselves by Jesus Christ, we must forgive in order to be forgiven. I certainly want my Savior to forgive my every sin and transgression. 

When I am hurting and grieving, along with my tears made up of water and feelings, right at the top of my list is forgiveness. An act of the will. An obedience. My emotions and feelings will catch up to the action a bit down the road.

How about you? How do you respond to grief! How will you respond? Something to think about!

Sunday, December 1, 2013


As Christians, with growth, we come to understand that each of us receive at least one spiritual gift for use among the Body of Christ. Sometimes, it takes quite some time before we have discovered just how Holy Spirit has gifted us. We hear about these gifts and we wonder where we fit. We pray for wisdom in discerning our gift. We pray for a gift when we cannot see it in ourselves. Some of us do Bible studies designed to help us discover our gift. Often, it is the witness of others of what they see in us which helps us to "see" what is already there.

Holy Spirit chooses for His own purposes the gift He gives you. Have you discovered how He has gifted you? Do you know what He has asked you to do within the Body of Christ? How are you to use your spiritual gift?

Our spiritual gifts are so important. Consider how Holy Spirit designed and chose you for the gift He has planted within you. Why - if not vital for Christ's work on earth? 

Saints, we have an obligation regarding our gifting:

1. Recognize it.

2. Study it.

3. Practice it.

4. Use it.

Amen ~

Monday, November 25, 2013

The Joy of the Lord

Sad times come and go - just like happiness comes and goes. Both sadness and happiness seem subject to the winds of change. Not so with JOY. The ongoing abiding presence of our beloved Lord Jesus keeps the believer encompassed by an inner joy in knowing Him, and knowing He is in control and has our backs. Can you be sad and joyful at the same time? Absolutely! This seeming paradox is made simple by knowing and trusting in Jesus Christ Who dwells within the hearts of believers.

Thank You, Jesus, for never leaving nor forsaking us. You are always present - even in sad and hard times. It is Your presence and the joy in knowing You that gets us through when life is rough. May all glory be Yours. Amen.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Can We EXPECT To Receive God's Blessings?

“Why do you call Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say? ... the one who has heard and has not acted accordingly, is like a man who built a house on the ground without any foundation; and the torrent burst against it and immediately it collapsed, and the ruin of that house was great." (Luke 6: 46, 49)

There is no doubt about it: Life can be really hard at times. And - oh, how we do hope for God's blessings, especially during those harder times. But, are God's blessings automatic? Can we just EXPECT His blessings if we have prayed to receive them, and asked in faith?

I would suggest the above verse holds a clue. JESUS IS LORD! Folks in distress will call upon Him for help - and expect His help and blessings - and yet do not do what He says in their lifestyles. We want what we want - our way - NOT His way - and then we expect His favor and His blessings? Come on now - let's get real! A lord is someone whom WE SERVE! 

Let's look deeper:

JESUS IS LORD: are we serving Him in our lifestyles - in our daily choices? This is the first place to look - self-examination. Or do we pick and choose, ignoring what He desires of us and choosing to call Him Lord while navigating around those things we really don't want to do. In plain talk, there are times we pretty much do what we want to do, and only call upon Him when we want something from Him.

Let's face it: None of are without sin...Nada!!! We ALL fall short. Yet, to be hearers and doers of His Word is to honor and do what He asks of us as a LIFESTYLE, daily and moment-by-moment. Our choices define whether Jesus is REALLY Lord of our lives - or not! 

Jesus asks: “Why do you call Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?

~ But for those who hear and obey, Jesus tells us:

"Everyone who comes to Me and hears My words and acts on them, I will show you whom he is like: he is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid a foundation on the rock; and when a flood occurred, the torrent burst against that house and could not shake it, because it had been well built."
(Luke 6:47-48)

Saints, sometimes we may have to wait awhile to feel the effects of His blessings; yet, to be a part of this latter group - hearers and doers of His word: YES, YES, and YES again - We can then expect to receive - for truly JESUS IS LORD of our lives. He will bless us; He WANTS to bless us!

Amen ~



"Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear." (Ephesians 4:29)

I have some questions. What was your mouth like when you were living in the ways of the world? What kind of words were uttered out of your mouth? More specifically, was your language output four letter words meant only for the gutter?

While never attractive language, there is an understanding that our transformation had not yet begun. We were brand new, and necessary changing takes place over time.

What was it like for you when you first become convicted by Holy Spirit that the words of your mouth were offensive to Him? That you needed to cease and desist; that you needed to clean up your language? With God's help and with sensitized spirits, we made a decision to clean up our act in many ways. Each time we would utter something foul, we felt immediate conviction, and we further felt we were wounding the Spirit of God within us by our language. 

By His grace, over time, our words became blessed and no longer did we utter gutter talk.

Yet, I ask: have you run into seasoned Christians who continue to use unwholesome expletives as though it were unimportant? It's no big deal to speak in this way? It doesn't matter? 

Don't misunderstand! We may all on rare occasion still slip, as we do in many other areas. I am speaking of using "colorful language" as a way of speech in expressing oneself and finding no self-fault in doing so.

The Word of God is clear: "Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth ..."

For ALL of us who number among God's saints, whether brand new or seasoned in the faith, 

"Guard our lips, O Lord."

May this be the prayer we utter for ourselves from our lips:

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in Your sight,
O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer." (Psalm 19:14)

Amen ~

Friday, November 22, 2013


"But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves." (James 1:22)

If we have been walking with The Lord for awhile, hopefully we have learned to hear the sound of His voice. If that be so, what do we do when He speaks and we know it - and we don't like what He says? Do we listen, or do we turn a deaf ear? We love it when we like what we hear ... but not so much when He speaks in ways that require us to change direction in some way. We flat out don't want to hear it, do we? We wish he hadn't said THAT!

What are the consequences for not listening; not heading The Lord when He speaks?

Some suggestions:

OTHER VOICES: We begin to listen to "other" voices; become prey to deception, and choose to do what we want. We choose not to submit to The Lord.

DECISIONS ARE SELF-BASED: Our choices become based on how much they appeal to us, not based on the wisdom of God and what He knows is best for us.

THE BLAME GAME: We begin to blame others for our wrongdoings, make excuses for ourselves, and assume no responsibility for our poor choices.

OTHERS SUFFER because of our wrongful actions and behaviors.

DISCIPLINE OF THE LORD: Our loving Lord will discipline us for our own good when we refuse to listen, heed and obey.

All of us must deal with temptation - in this, the temptation of turning a deaf ear to the Lord's instruction.

Suggested solution:

Refuse the temptation of listening to other voices. While some of those other voices are voices of well-meaning friends, but not in accord with Scripture, other voices can be those of wolves masquerading in sheep clothing - voices that may lead us away from what The Lord desires of us or for us. Voices that may lead us into sin. Do not listen and heed words that merely tickle your ears, are empty, and filled with deceit. LISTEN, HEAR, REMEMBER, and OBEY the One voice that brings us blessings, and guarantees our best outcome. 


THANKS GIVING ... and the Rest of the Story

Paul Harvey was a radio broadcaster for around 40 years. He was famous for his broadcasts "The Rest of the Story." As I would drive to work, I would listen to Paul Harvey as he would daily tell his story.

Yesterday, I posted a blog entitled "Not By Might." I spoke about how the holidays can be such a stressful time for me. That was only part of the story. Today, is my version of "The Rest of the Story."

On the one side, the whole holiday season can be so stressful ... yet it does not eliminate "The Rest." Those precious moments of incredible joy, tenderness, great smells and good eats, celebrations, decorations, and children laughing. Yet most of all, for me - there is a heightened awareness of thanks giving for my Savior, Jesus Christ. Regardless of the stress factors, thanks giving is the focus. I reflect on how much my Lord has done for me - how very much He has given me.

Of all such reflective moments, and by God's Grace every year is Christmas Eve. Recollections of Christmas Eve from years now long past and years in the present.

Absolutely nothing rocks my world in quite the same way as entering a darkened church on Christmas Eve to celebrate the Coming of my Infant Savior. Hand-held candles light the darkness. The service begins and I am in a holy place even beyond the norm. It is almost a different plane of reality. In the hushed sacredness of the moments, I see the humble birth of my King and my God. The beauty of the music within the church enhances what happened over 2,000 years ago.

My Savior has entered the world - for me - to live and die - for me. Born of a woman, just like you and me. Yet sharing a destiny with me none other could ever share. He came to die as payment for my sin - and yours - so we wouldn't have to live and die forever in an eternity without Him - the penalty for our sin.

Stress on the one hand - oh yeah - no doubt about it...

Seeing, Tasting, and Experiencing one more time the Sacredness and Thanksgiving for what my Savior has done for me is worth every second of the Stress. 

Its all about focus, and how I choose to focus. I choose to focus on the reasons for why I am Thankful - not just in the season - but every day.

"The Rest of the Story" ~

I am Thankful for my Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ, every day ... not only in the season between November and January.

How about you? I invite your comments. What is your "Rest of the Story?"

~ Amen.

Thursday, November 21, 2013


Do you feel overwhelmed at times by the amount of tasks on your “to do” list? You can see no way to accomplish these many things in the time frame given. 

I can feel that way – especially as the whole holiday season approaches. Rather than anticipating the enjoyment and celebration just around the corner, I tend to dread the holidays. 

On the negative side of the “season to be jolly” I often feel buried under the magnitude of responsibilities before the arrival of those days. From my perspective, much is added to those responsibilities with nothing removed. “Where shall I ever find the time to do ___________? And ______________? And _________________?”

It is at holiday times when I most often cry out a silent or loud verbal prayer: “O Lord, give me strength!” Being honest, sometimes, it is said more as an expletive than a prayer. Either way, I know I need help.

No matter the particulars of feeling overwhelmed – stressing out is the result. The worries and concerns assault and it becomes a vicious circle of doing – or not doing. I have often felt I would rather sleep through the holiday season and wake up when it is all over.

What an attitude! Yet, I have been there often. How about you? Do you truly enjoy November through January?

Personally, when I cry out: “O Lord, give me strength” I need to recall the verse from the written Word of God:

"Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the Lord of hosts." (Zechariah 4:6)

Inevitably, I have always found I do get through the season – tired, but with a deep satisfaction. Yes, I have worked hard. And I have accomplished what has been given me to do. Sometimes, through hindsight after all the dust settles, I realize what has happened. 

No matter how imperfect my prayer for strength, my Lord has heard my cry, and He has answered.

We can all cry out to our Savior for strength to be and to do what He would have us do – and honestly, the rest doesn’t matter. He supplies our need. He is our provision. He is our Lord. He is the One Who causes the sun to rise and the sun to set. Surely then, He can more than order the things in my day and in yours.

Take heart, Saints. We have the Source of our strength living within us. Shall we plug in to Him for our every need? I say: “Yes!” How about you?

Amen ~

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


We have all been there at one time or another, haven't we? "Lord, save me!" A time in our lives where all answers to the problems of life are dead-end answers and there is nowhere left to turn. Trapped and without recourse. We have prayed for solutions, and the Lord is silent. "Where, O Lord, can I turn if not to You? Hear me, O Lord, and let my cry come unto You."

When Peter was out there sinking into the sea, he cried out: "Lord, save me!" And Jesus reached out His arm, and Peter was saved from drowning - instantly - from beneath those watery depths.

Sometimes we feel like we are drowning in a raging sea of difficulties, and it may not be in a churning, angry body of water. That sea for us may be the flood of water flowing from our eyes in times of deep trouble. "And why not NOW, O my God ... why not now, as with Peter, in the instant of my cry? Why not now?"

True, our help is NOT always in the instant of our cry; we may have to wait, as our anguish mounts. "Where are You, O God of my salvation?"

It is a most painful time for us. There is no getting around it.

The well-intentioned platitudes of loved ones, while appreciated, offer no real solutions. We do know they care. And we covet their prayers of faith. We hang on to those prayers knowing the heavens are bombarded by this crying out to The Lord on our behalf.

Our own cry, and the cry of others on our behalf, are rooted in faith that God will answer His children. The Lord DOES hear the cries of His children...even when our help does not come instantly. We have only to wait upon Him. His timing is best even though we may not understand why He is so long in responding. He is faithful to hear our drowning cries - and He says:

"He will call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with Him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him" (Psalm 91:5).

Amen ~


Even as so many of us struggle, and some are still struggling (me!) with the hard questions of life and faith, and to come out always trusting in the sovereignty of our God, mighty and awesome is He, is a gift that is such a part of faith in Him. We sometimes come out with our own answers that differ from other strong believers; even so, we ponder, we question, and above all, we TRUST.

Yesterday, as Tony and I walked through the Titanic Museum in Pigeon Forge, TN ... only trusting in our Savior, Jesus Christ, even with questions pondered, and for now, unanswered, to know that you know that you know - God knows, and to trust Him is a feeling, an emotion, an action, a desire met - that gifts me in ways traveling far beyond human language and the fabric of my ponderings.

Today, and every day I breathe life on this present earth, I chose to trust my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, in all things, by His ongoing and continuing grace, even in those unanswered questions encountered in life and living.

Anyone with me?

Amen ~


The sun was barely up with the dawn of an early morning.  Inside the convent chapel, a small group of nuns were reciting Morning Office. And then it happened - again! The young nuns, who only seconds earlier were praying solemnly, began to giggle. We had reached that part of Psalm 71 (vs. 18) where we had to recite:

"Now that I am old and gray, do not abandon me, O God ..."

You had to be there. We were all in our early 20's and we never could get past that line without losing it. The only one who did not find it humorous was Mother Superior, and she WAS gray.

A few years ago, a movie hit the theaters: "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button". While only a fictional story, which was originally penned by F. Scott Fitzgerald, I found myself fascinated as I watched. Benjamin Button was diagnosed at birth with several aging diseases and was given little chance of survival. Benjamin not only survived, but he got younger with time. He aged backwards. An old man at birth; a child as he chronologically aged.

I have to tell you, I identified with Benjamin! A lot! Emotionally, in some ways, I have aged backwards - hence the reason for the Benjamin-identification. Benjamin was born an old man. Early in life, I became an old woman. Like Benjamin, I survived. 16 years ago, I was "born" and in my today, I am a youth, reveling in the years that have been restored to me ... those same years which the locusts had eaten. Not an old woman emotionally anymore, I have gotten younger.

Part of living for me in my today is - experiencing the joy of my youth. Much of that is due to the Family of God within which He has planted me.

Life is meant to be embraced and enjoyed, I believe. It is a precious gift. For as long as life lasts, and I am able, I shall Praise The Lord for Life ... My Life, and a life that is now so much more abundant than in my days of old.

Psalm 71:18  begins as above:

"Now that I am old and gray, do not abandon me, O God ...

and finishes:

... till I declare Your power to the next generation, Your might to all who are to come."

Some of us "grow old gracefully." Some of us fight aging for as long as we can.  I am of the latter group. Even so, aging is inevitable.

Yet, today, I declare to all who will hear, both young and old, and for those who are yet to come of the power of the Almighty.

Gone are the days when those old convent walls received the joy of our youthful laughter. Only The Lord knows the stories life has given my fellow sisters since last I saw them.

But for all of us who believe, we can trust that - whether it be about aging, or any other issue for that matter -

Jesus is the source of our joy. Only He truly heals the brokenhearted. He saves those who are crushed in spirit. He binds up our wounds, physically, emotionally, spiritually. He opens prison doors and sets captives free ... that would be us when we are experiencing our issues. And we are so in need of Him.

He is our God, our Magnificent Lord, our Savior, Jesus Christ, and He is   ... Mighty to Save.

Amen ~


I have just left my room for the first time today ... late for me. Getting up was difficult this morning. I felt achy and sleepy. Besides, the day outside, as seen through my window, gave evidence of a murky and overcast day dawning. Now, though the sun has emerged, it is more a dance between sunshine and shadow. Even the river appears different today. No glassy surface close to the shoreline; rather a darker, less-friendly presentation than the norm. There is the appearance of a gentle turbulence along the surface of the river, replete with a few tiny white-capped waves here and there. Life within these waters appears devoid of river creatures this morning, no frolicking about with the absence of calm.

Is this not somewhat like my own life, Lord? Times of sunshine and shadow? Times of feeling different? Times when my soul is clear and calm and glassy-smooth with peace flowing within me. And at other times, when my soul runs darker with a gentle turbulence, the tiny white-capped waves of anxiety washing over me which rise to the surface of my awareness.

The weatherman has predicted thunderstorms rolling in for later this afternoon. In nature sometimes, the thunderstorms do come, as predicted. Other times, they do not come at all even when predicted . The sun remains on those latter days - strong, bright and smiling on both land and water. The storm has changed her mind, or the weatherman has erred in his prediction.

I suppose thunderstorms are necessary in nature, and even necessary in my own life from time-to-time. I thank You, Lord - thunderstorms do not often erupt within me. When those storms do create havoc within my soul, Lord, it is most often over someone or something that has unsettled my world, and turbulence and tempestuous waves crash in on the shores of my raw and naked soul. Lightning strikes and tears at my open and gaping wounds, and inwardly, I churn and thrash with the violence of the storm ... until, finally, the storm has spent itself, and my peace is eventually restored.

I would so much rather the thunderstorms never come, whether in nature or in my soul. I do not like them! I would prefer the storm change her mind, or the weatherman err. I would prefer the serenity of my soul never disturbed. I would prefer gentleness, peace and calm to reign within at all times. Even so, Lord, how then would I appreciate the calm when it returns without knowing the ravages of the storm? How then would my soul know the fullness of joy when my peace has been restored without some storm in my life?

Without the storms in my life, or yours, we would never fully experience the joy when peace and tranquility has come again bringing with it life which runs freely within the rivers of our souls.

Lord, while I do not like the storms of life one bit, I must thank You for them, for without these storms, I could never truly appreciate the joy of tranquility. Thank You that even in storms that rage within me, I know You are there, and You will restore me back to peace, life and joy again. Thank You for revealing these things to me, Jesus. 

Amen ~